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Political Science Aggies

Fostering a community for students interested in Political Science

As the Texas A&M Political Science Aggies, we strive to give Political Science majors, and students interested in the subject matter, a community to grow more in their chosen field and meet like minded people with the same passion. We invite you to learn more about the Texas A&M Political Science Aggies and to consider joining.


Josh Gager

Jan. 26: 12-3pm

Feb 9 & Feb 23: 12-3pm

March 9, March 30 : 12-3pm

Get to know our organization's president, Josh Gager!  He will be on campus several days over the course of the next 3 months. He will be talking about what we are all about, what we do, and how we can help those interested in the Political Science field. We look forward to seeing you!

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How to join us:


Come get to know us, and our club, at Fall MSC Open House in September and our informational on September 8th.


For this semester, membership will be free due to this being an online only semester. To become an official member just get on our listserv for this semester. This can be done by contacting us.

No Requirements to Join

This organization is open to all students, of all majors, who would like to join, learn more about, and get more involved with Political Science.

Contact the Texas A&M Political Science Aggies

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